Speed dating was invented by Rabbi Yaacov Deyo from Los Angeles. Quick dates were first performed in 1998. And their organization became more popular thanks to the series “Sex and the City.” Since then, the method of making interpersonal contacts of a loved character and not only appears in more and more countries around the world and arouses great interest among people seeking new friends.
Political speed dating
An example of a thematic speed dating can be political speed dating! If you’re interested in politics and want to meet more people whose passion is this field. Then be sure to go to a meeting of fast political dating. This type of speed Dating is more and more popular after 30 years of age. It involves greater involvement in political life. Political speed Dating has a lot in common with business speed Dating. It is often used to implement business projects.
Dating sites, or speed dating?
Since the internet became available to almost everyone. Regardless of whether at home or in a cafe. Many people decided to meet new friends through the web. Traditionalists, however, saw a lot of flaws in this method. And it’s hard to deny them the right thing. “Dating” on the internet can go on for months and for such long time. Often we are not able to get to know the person we live for, which we devote our precious time to. In the end, we need to get to know each other better and gain trust. It may turn out, however, that whoever the person we met on the internet is not that interesting for us in the “real world.” Reasons why free dating site online – or even meeting friends. Is a bit risky, there is a lot more. However, this is not the topic of this article.
What does speed dating look like?
Before we go on a date, the session participants are pre-selected in such a way that they are best suited to other participants. All participants are required to give their predispositions to potential partners and friends. Which significantly shortens the time of selecting the right friends.
After the initial selection, the participants meet as part of the speed dating session. Which consists of short, limited time conversations. It is in their time that we are to get to know from the best side, just like our interlocutors. After 3-8 minutes of “dating,” the organizer tells the participants that it is time to change the partner at the meeting. At the end of the speed dating session, the participants give the organizers a list of people who have interested them. If a couple of participants entered their names, they get contact with their interlocutor – which allows them to continue their relationship.
Find friends or … love!
An undoubted advantage of speed dating is the fact that you can meet many interesting people during a single session. Speed dating is popular in the business world – among people who do not have much time to meet new friends. And it is an excellent alternative to trying to find valuable contacts and friends in restaurants and pubs. Speed dating can be treated as a way to find a more or less brief affair, a permanent partner, but also friends and acquaintances. When going to speed dating, we do not need to feel embarrassed. Many participants treat it as great fun and a way to diversify the city out.
Choose a way to date your preferences!
Deciding on quick dating can certainly overwhelm you with a variety of opportunities that will open up to you. Do you love cats? You can take part in speed dating with others who love these animals. Do you want to meet someone who does, how do you have children? You’re welcome! The option is a lot, so before you go for a speed dating session, check what offers you can find in your area.