Frequently asked Questions

Is enrollment on a dating site free?
Yes. Registration in the portal is free. Remember to confirm your booking with e-mail.

Can you copy photos and videos posted on the site?
You can not because the materials are posted by real people living in your neighborhood. All copying and distribution is prohibited, even under pain of fines.

Are registered profiles of people verified?
We make every effort to ensure that the profiles are checked for accuracy. Currently, the portal has registered over 840,000 active users.

Is it possible to delete the account on demand? 
Yes. If you want to delete your account from our portal, please go to the account settings section and remove the user profile. All your data will be permanently deleted from our entrance.


I did not receive my account activation link, what should I do?
Sending the activation link to the address indicated should not last longer than a few seconds. Please check if the posted link has been placed in the spam folder. Some e-mail providers block connections sent from one client.

I forgot my profile password, now what?
On the login page is a link “forgot my password”. After entering the username or e-mail, a message will be sent with a link resetting the password.

What functions are available to your users?
Our portal is continually developing. We add new functions to the portal, which are to facilitate the use. There are so many features that we have introduced so far. Selected from them is sending messages to liked users, a table of posts, the possibility of editing the profile, own gallery, help in choosing the right partner and many more.